Quarter life crisis.

I’ve been in a bit of a funk these past few weeks.  And today I realized I’m having a quarter life crisis. Is that even a thang?  Well, for me it seems it.

I’ve recently turned 24 and I don’t really know what I want from life.  I dropped out of university to have a ‘gap year’. (In 2012).  Since then I have been cashing the winters, working as a ski instructor.  I love love love winter, and skiing.  However, being a ski instructor ain’t easy, and I think I wana be done with it the end of next New Zealand season. And then what? There’s the crisis.

I ain’t good / talented enough to be a professional skier and I don’t have an inheritance or anything alike to sustain me to travel and ski.  So what the fuck do I do?

I could finish my degree.  But I honesty don’t see the point, as I wasn’t enjoying it anymore.  I used to want to be a teacher, and now the thought of being stuck in a classroom all day with children and teenagers does the opposite of excite me.

Life’s scary.  All my friends are getting on with their lives (or so it seems), I’ve never had a serious relationship and no inspiration.  I also moved back with my parents a month ago.  Winning.  However, I’ll mark today as recognizing that something needs to change and it won’t happen by watching Netfix.

I did read This however and it put things into perspective, it’s amazing how finding something at the right time can make your day seem a little less dull.

– Frances

Everyone should work hospo

Hospitality.  It’s an easy to acquire job.  Meaning you don’t really need a degree or qualifications, and you can start working in this industry from your teens.

 I am fortunate enough to have worked my share of hospo jobs. Sometimes I love it, and sometimes I loathe it.  Something that can never be taken away from me is what I have learned from this industry; mostly about people too.  Because to be the best costumer, you really need to know how to what it’s like to serve customers.

I’ll never forget just how down right rude some people are, and how you can be treated like someone’s personal slave for the evening.  From people snapping their fingers while I’m with another customer, to customers complaining about fellow customers and the most common is customers complaining about slow service.  Like I’m sorry there are other people as well as you to serve, I’m sorry it took me 5 minutes to bring your vodka-diet-soda-garnished-with-mint-and-elderflower-oh-wait-no-ice-either-please.

No, I’m not just venting about my job. I do understand that as a waitress/barman/etc it is your job to make the customer feel like the most important person, it’s just hard and damn unrealistic.  Especially when you have dozens starring at you waiting their turn, and having their own premadonna expectations.

What I’m trying to get out is that humans need to be more understanding and considerate of each other.  If you want extra attention, give extra attention and turn that fucking frown upside down.  Try to be less demanding and more realistic with your expectations and wants. 
If everyone worked in hospitality at least once in their lives, (the younger, the better) I think that people would be more aware of how their actions, demands and attitudes affected others.
– Frances

Am I a judgemtnetal bitch?

Short answer; judgemental, yes; bitch, quite possibly.

Because A) I’m human and b) I’m a girl.

As the years go by, I am believing more and more that my brain has one raging judgy bitch nestled in there.  Which is crazy for me to think of, as in high school I kept to myself a bit and wasn’t very outspoken. Today that is not the case.  Although ‘they say’ you always gotta be aware of the quiet ones huh.

Are all girls bitches?  Are all girls judgy?  In my honest opinion I really do think we are all judgy. As for bitchy, mostly.  Some have more reason to be than others, and some are just more upfront of about it. Ie the Regina George’s and Janice Ian’s of the world vs. the Cady Heron’s of the world (mean girls anyone?). 

But really, without even meaning to, as soon as I met someone I instantly start judging them.  I don’t even mean to!  It’s like a natural programme installed in my female brain.  And it’s everything – about how they physically present themselves and how they display their personality.  It’s worse with girls as well. Something to do with competition?  Like the meme going around Instagram atm: “girls compete with each other, women empower one another”.  Well, fuck.  I’m a competitive person so I guess I ain’t maturing to womanhood anytime soon.

But at least I’m not one of those people that basis a person on the first interaction. And so it seems neither do the people I hang with.

Take the first time meeting my best friend.  We were having some sort of pre work meeting, and I, the punctual bitch that I am, was there early and seated.  We had a mutual friend, let’s call her Melanie, and my best friend we’ll call Cassandra.  Melanie came sat next to me, gave me a hug and we’re having a bit of a gossip before she introduced me to Cassandra.  Cassandra had pink hair, and the first thing she said addressed that she got drunk and thought pink hair sounded like a fab idea.  I laughed cause I thought it was hilarious, but apparently that came across as bitchy, as did the fact I was wearing glasses.  Wtf!? Rude.  I don’t know how that comes across as bitchy.  Something else that added to my bitchiness is my inability to remember names.  Ah, okay?

However that was all shaken off the next night when Cassandra and I bonded over jägerbombs and shitty dance moves.  Cassandra has also confessed to me that my sassyness and I don’t give a fuck what you think of me attitude was refreshing and rubbed off on her in a big way.  She is so fiesty and just a general awesome badass chick.  But I believe it’s a good thing.  Standing up for yourself, having your own opinion and marching to your own drum is what makes women empowering.  I mean, with the good comes a little bad, right?

Own your bitchiness.  It’s not all bad, it’s just part of being a female / girl / women / lady.  I encourage you to find your own personal flare of bring a somewhat judgemental bitch.

… You’ve all got to stop calling each other sluts and whores.  It just makes it okay for guys to…

… Call you bitches.  And ain’t nobody tell you what you are!

Thanks Tina Fey
– Frances

The Essena O’Neill Movement

Here is my opinion about (ex) Youtuber, instagrammer and tumbler, Essena O’Neills bold and public decision to ‘quit’ social media.

and that’s all I have to offer, my opinion.  That’s all she has to offer, her opinion.

Whatever way you look at this movement, it comes down to how you personally feel.  It’s no lie that Essena has impacted the social world dramatically over the past week, and it’s all to do with the fact that she is challenging what we have recognized as societies beliefs and opinions.  She has point blank called out what happens behind the scenes on social media, with Instagram being the main culprit.  Saying “it’s not real”, and “depressing”.  Watching her get so emotional about this, damn right I believer her.  But does this mean it’s true and valid for everyone using social media?  Honestly, no.  

Just as everyone has their own unique fingerprints, everyone has their own set of opinions; and with that comes how they interpret and react to different situations, pieces of infomation as well as how they use this information.  The ‘information’ of subject being social media.

I think that what she has done is incredibly brave, especially given her teenage status.  It seems to be the right path for her too – I have been ‘following’ her for well over a year, and she has been changing and adapting remarkably fast.  Kudos to her for challenging thousands of people’s opinions, and shifting the way many think of these Social media platforms.  I have checked out her site, and I see it becoming a real gamechanger, and not just for social media.  But for bigger issues, such as climate change, veganism, environmental issues and so much more. Click here to see yourself.

But. I urge you to think for yourself before you act.  Don’t just copy someone else’s opinions and actions. Take in that information, all the information.  Then gather your own opinion and act based on that, for you.  I have seen so many harsh comments relating to this movement with no backing, and little to no understanding.  Opinions are nothing without personal perception.  Just as something is toxic for your friend, is not to say it will impact your life positively.
– Frances

Lifting is the new…..?

The whole ‘lifting’ rage has been around for a while.  For guys at least, but I’m a girl. And it has come to my recent attention that females lifting weights to get the desirable body is the way to go.  And I don’t mean lifting 2lb dumbells. But lifting heavy. Yes.

Here are some of the fine ass products created by lifting heavy:



Like holy wow.  Defos not what comes to mind when you think of ‘female weight lifters.’  This is th new generation of what female lifters look like.  Not only are the verrrrry pleasing on the eye, but they are strong, dedicated and not only do they compete in bikini competitions, but are fitness models and have been on more than one magazine covers collectively.

Nikki Blackketter (in the pink and green), is a macro coach, personal trainer, competes in bikini competitions, and an active blogger and youtuber.  I have been watching her YouTube channel like crazy over the last few weeks, and she is adorable!  It’s like a cheat sheet for your own workouts, and I have been incorporating them into my routine. I also follow her IG: @nikkiblackketer, she is one babe to follow.

Heidi Somers, I have only recently started following on all the social media said.  Another blonde babe, she is well known as a fitness model, and her body is thanks to lifting.  Honestly, this girl can do endless pull ups. Mir your want a booty, make sure to check out her YouTube videos. 

I don’t know about you, but looking at these two babes gives me motivation if ever had before to get out and lift some heavvvvvy weights.  I think it’s great to finally have some really genuine, easy to love, and healthy looking role models that aren’t afraid to step off the treadmill and lift.  Maybe it’ll even change the fitness / weight loss / health communitys idea on cardio / weights?

What do you think? Do you ‘lift?’  Would you?

 – Frances

Santa Monica

      I seriously, seriously, love the ‘city’ of Santa Monica. I mean, look at it.  

      This isn’t even one of my favorite photos. But anyways.  This is my THIRD time visiting here in the past 12 months (and pretty much to the date).   The first time I came I was fresh from my first coachella experience and wanted more summer vibes before returning home to the winter.  And those summer vibes I defo got.

      I stayed at the international hostel, which is conveniently right on 2nd st.  Close to the beach, close to the shops and also close to the yummy food.

      Santa Monica is the epitome of almost everything I love.  Countless days of blue skies, a relaxed environment, juice & smoothie bars, trendy / alty food and drinks bars, shopping, yoga studios people running and exercising outside….. And it’s safe.   If I ever take a break from my endless winter, this is where I would love to base myself.

        While it’s not exactly bikini body baring hot atm, it’s still hot enough to spend countless hours down at the beach, looking at a pretty view and getting lost my own thoughts.   

      Where’s your favorite vacation spot?


      Okay so I love chocolate.  I love creamy, sweet, melt in your mouth treats.  So fudge is my go-to.  Like it is rare that I don’t have some on the go.  If I don’t it can only mean a few things: I just ran out, I don’t have any cocoa/cacao at home or I’m not at home.  Ya get the feels?  I try to health-ify my treats as much as possible, in a way to justify having it every single day, and so I don’t get any sicko side effects such as sugar highs and crashes, and sugar also makes me excessively thirsty.

      Before I get into the recipe I want to kind of apologize, as I don’t really measure things out.  Really ever.  Eye balling is my style, and taste testing.  So this recipe is more of a what a use and the ratio’s instead of measurements.  Who else bakes like this? I think I will start a poll to see if this way works or doesn’t.  And don’t be shy to let me know in the comments okay!

      Anyway, so the ingredients for this melt in yo mouth fudge are:

      Coconut oil, coconut cream, cocoa/cacao, cinnamon, agave/honey. Extras: Peanut butter, berries, nuts.

      Method: I combine equal amounts of coconut oil and cream in a pot on a low setting on the stove, then I add cocoa or cacao (or a mix of both) with the sweetener of choice.  I generally use 2/3s of the amount of liquid sweetener to chocolate so its not sickly sweet.  Remember that you will also be getting some sweetness from the coconut cream too.  Lastly I add a good amount of shakes of cinnamon for added flavor.    Take fudge off the heat and add to either single serve containers, ice trays or a big tray.  I cool it on the bench for an hour, beat it with a fork, then place in the fridge and beat it every 30-40 minutes.  This just prevents the coconut oil from setting on top and looking kinda gross.  You can either keep the fudge in the freezer or fridge, depending whether you want it completely solid or more creamy.  I prefer the fridge personally.

      *Now the extras depend on who is going to be consuming the fudge.  If its for me, I’ll fo sho add about half the volume of peanut butter as coconut oil at the start.  Peanut butter makes it thicker and less sweet.  I’ll add berries at the start also so they can infuse the fudge.  My favourite nuts of choice to add are almonds and macadamias, and I cut them up fine.  I’ll add them once I’ve put the fudge in the fridge so they don’t just sink to the bottom.

      Now it is important to use coconut cream here instead or milk, as milk is just watered down cream you for one you’re not getting your money value.  And secondly, it will change the consistency, making it more like an iceblock than creamy fudge.  I also personally prefer to use honey or agave to sweeten, it just depends on what is on sale at the time.  Health wise honey comes first, preferably raw local honey.  The cinnamon is great for adding an extra flavour hit, and also helps with the blood sugar levels, keeping them stable rather than spiking (particularly if you use agave, which isn’t as low GI are you have been told).


      So that’s my favie go to sweet treat.  Let me know what you think about this style of post aaaaaaaaaaaand of course the recipe itself!  If you make it, tag me in instagram @thesmoothieaddict.

      Thanks for stopping by

      – Frances

      Kayla Itsines

      If you haven’t heard of Kayla Itsines by now, then you must seriously live in the dark ages.  She is a global phenomenon in the fitness world and is changing the lives, and bodies of women (& some guys) internationally.

      Basically she is a 24 year old Australian fitness trainer who made her first e-book, The Bikini Body Guide (commonly referred to as BGG) complete with three months of training about a year ago.  Since its success she has gone on to make a sequal which is BBG 2.0.

      Anyways if you haven’t heard about her, please go check out her gram @Kayla_itsines (she has over 2.3m followers and 2000 posts) or her hastags #kaylaitsines #thekaylamovement or one of my favourites #deathbykayla.  Also head over to her website and pick up her guides, totally worth it http://www.kaylaitsines.com.au

      I bought her first guide around June of last year, and after the first workout I couldn’t walk up and down stairs properly for days.   So I knew that it had to be a pretty good workout.  It took me about 15 weeks to finish the 12 week plan, and not cause I’m terrible at math, duh.  But just life, ya know? Anyways it did help me improve my fitness and strength a lot and is actually kind of fun!   I find the workout require just the right amount of energy, enough to release those awesome endorphines and burn those calories without leaving you drained of energy for the rest of the day / night.

      I also bought her second guide around October.  Unfortunately I only got halfway through that guide before I had to moving to California last December.  2.0 is such a killer, just when I thought I was on top of my game and feeling all fit and awesome, the workouts really step up.  My goal is to start 2.0 when I return home next month and complete it.

      For now, I have just started reincorporating the BBG workouts into my schedule again, and am in love with the way it makes my body feel all over again.

      Itsines = it – seen – is

      Have you tried Kayla’s workouts?  What does your workout routine involve?

      – Frances

      Coconut Oil

      If you have ever met me, you will know that I am OBSESSED with coconut oil.  Like seriously.  It is one of the most simplest, and versatile substances on the planet.  I can easily go through a pound a week, not that my bank account agrees, so like any girl on a budget I have to tell myself to slow down.

      What do I use this wondrous product then for do you ask? Well here’s a quick list to get your addiction started, or fuel yours if your a lover like me:

      1) Cooking – duh! I always cook with coconut oil.  ALWAYS.  It is safer to cook with than most other oils as it can be heated higher without damaging the oil and changing its molecular structure.  Many people find coconut hard to cook with as its solid at room temperature, but once you add heat its liquid!  If I’m going to roast with it, I simply just put a tablespoon or three in the dish I’m going to use while the oven is preheating – too easy!

      2) Baking – another fun one.  You can pretty much use coconut oil in any recipe that calls for butter or oil.  My favourite recipes to use coconut oil is in fudge / chocolate.  Recipe to come on that soon!  (and my dairy/sugar loving friends and family loooooooove it!)

      3) Mouth wash / oil pulling – this one is a little more alty.  And yes it took me a while to get used to.  Basically you melt about a teaspoon of the oil in your mouth and swish (slooowly) it around for 10-20minutes.  Why?! It whitens your teeth, freshens your breath, detoxes your body by pulling toxins out, and even helps with hangovers! So true.  The first few times I struggled to do it for 5 minutes, so you’ve gotta build your tolerance up.  Once you’ve done make sure you spit it into a bag, not the drain as this will clog it.  Then rinse/brush your teeth! I aim to do it 2-3 times a week to keep my pearly whites, well white!

      4) Hair mask – I looooove having long hair, but unfortunately my hair is prone to dry, frizziness and split ends.  So I love oiling up my hair.  I try to leave it in overnight, but even just an hour or so makes a load of difference.  Honestly you will never have a better hair day.  Ever.  Here’s a routine and more on the benefits on coconut oil masks; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C9LpfBEkF7s . I used to do this around once a week, but since I stopped washing my hair I’m at a loss for how to get it out… more on that soon…

      5) Face moisturiser – Yup I slather coconut oil on my face twice a day, everyday.  I’ve been doing this for more than 2 years now and don’t think I’ll ever stop.  A little goes a long way so it’s super affordable.  I love it as it is really moisturising, and as I live in winter 10 months a year this is essential.  It is also antibacterial so kills off any germs that cleansing doesn’t.

      6) Eye make-up remover – I discovered this by accident one day, and it works so well!  All you need to do is massage a tiny bit around your eye area and lashes, wipe off with a tissue and your eye make is safely removed!  Bonus as your eyes are getting moisturizer at the same time!


      That is my top ways of using coconut oil every.single.day.  Let me know if I have left out a way you use it that I need to try!  And if you haven’t tried it or bought it, DO IT NOW, trust, you will not regret it!


      – Frances

      How I found Vegetarianism

      Before I get into it, I would just like to point out that I original thought this post would be a lot shorter. I guess I forgot how my own story of how my diet changed, and it certainly did not happen overnight.

      Leading up to my 20th birthday, which is over three years ago, I started looking into alternative ‘diets’. It was following after the ‘Fresher 5’, or in my case, the ‘Fresher 15’ (when you put on 5/15kgs in your first year of university – be warned this is no myth!), and the weight still was budging after almost 2 years of university. I bought the well-known book ‘Skinny Bitch’ by Kim Barnouin which advocates a very strict vegan diet. I purposely refused to read the section on meat for several months after I bought it, but soon caved. I was learning so much about nutritional and how food digests in your body once it leaves your month and the effects – both long and short term. Don’t get me wrong, I was sure there was no way I would be able to give up meat and become a weirdo vego, as I loved my burgers and bacon and eggs for breakfast. But as Skinny Bitch suggests, I saw no harm in trying the diet for 30days to see how I felt/looked/thought…
      (as I am lactose intolerant, I didn’t have to ‘give up’ dairy, only meat and eggs to complete the vegan equation).

      So the date was set to change my diet the day after my 20th birthday, which was the 20th October 2011. A few weeks before this I had conveniently opted out of cooking flat meals, (it did not go down easily… but that is probably another story..), so I didn’t have to worry about them making ‘special’ vego meals for me.
      I wasn’t properly convinced about this lifestyle however, and was seeking other resources. YouTube was a great one, and provided a great procrastination outlet as it was exam time. Through this I also discovered that Clueless actress Alicia Silverstone was a proud, healthy and happy vegan, who believed in this lifestyle so much that she wrote a book on it; ‘The Kind Life’. I immediately bought it online and was counting down the days to it arriving.

      Meanwhile, I was experimenting cooking with foods that I had never thought about eating (and loving) and many more foods I have never heard of. Tofu on one hand, I had tried once and was repulsed by as a young teenager, I remember feeling sorry for vegetarians because they ‘had’ to eat it. I was spending more time thinking about what I would eat next and if I was going to be adequately satisfied than I ever had before. I also noticed my bowel movements were much more rapid, I remember feeling confused about how much was passing through – and boy did it stink! (<–TMI?!). I think dropped roughly 6-7kgs in that first week or two.

      When I moved back home for the summer I remember DREADING telling my family, especially my mum about my little experiment. So I straight up avoided it, and cooked my own meals (which I was sure I did anyways). That all changed one day when my mum found The Kind Life half-assed hidden on my bed. Funnily enough she had wanted to read the book too after seeing an interview on The Ellen Show where Alicia had been promoting her new book! So I told her about my little experiment and after what felt like a million questions she joined me. It made it a lot easier and comforting having someone I could physically talk to and try out new recipes etc.
      Moving right along, over the following summer I become passionate with this new lifestyle! I basically turned into some sort of sponge, soaking up any bit of knowledge, facts, and recipes to do with cooking vegan/vegetarian. I would find myself watching many YouTube videos to properly inform myself and get inspiration. I still remember the first Youtuber I watched, and still do, Whitney Lauritsen of ‘Eco Vegan-gal’. She has toooooones of info of the vegan lifestyle, however some people may say she’s extremist as she also advocates gluten-free/oil-free/sugar-free/non-gmo.. etc etc. But I think she’s great. Shout out girl!! Others I ‘discovered’ – Heather Nicholds, a vegan nutritionist of ‘Healthy Eating Starts Here’; ‘The Vegan Zombie’; ‘Freelee the Banana Girl’. And many, many more, most of which I cannot find as I deleted my old YouTube channel so lost my liked videos and subscribers.

      And that is pretty much it! I hope you enjoyed learning about how I changed my diet. Have you had a similar experience? Or totally different? Let me know, I love reading about these.

      – Frances